Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact if a street light is burned out?
Please contact Town Hall at 307 864-3838. Be able to provide the address and/or intersecting streets.
Who do I contact if my garbage was not picked up?
The Street Department at 307 864-3556. The employees may be out working but you can leave a message and they will respond as quickly as possible.
Who do I contact if I have no water?
During business hours contact the Clerk-Treasurer’s office at 307 864-3838. After hours or on weekends call the Police Department at 307 864-3114.
Who do I contact if my sewer is backing up?
During business hours contact the Clerk-Treasurer’s office at 307 864-3838. After hours or on weekends call the Police Department at 307 864-3114.
What are the landfill hours?
Summer hours April 1 through October 31 – 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Winter hours November 1 through March 31 – 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Closed Sundays and holidays.
Who do I contact to reserve a Town Park?
All parks are open to the public every day. However, you may reserve the cooking facilities at Candy Jack Park by calling the Dispatch Department at 307 864-3114. To make reservations in Hot Springs State Park call 307 864-2176.
Who do I contact if I have a question about my utility bill?
The Clerk-Treasurer’s office at 307 864-3838.
Who do I contact to find out the zoning of my property?
The Codes Administration Department at 307 864-9285.
What’s a building permit and when do I need one?
A building permit gives you legal permission to start construction of a building project in accordance with approved drawings and specifications. The best way to find out if you need one for a specific project is to contact the Codes Administration Department at Town Hall, 307 864-9285.
What is the telephone number for the driver’s license office?
Contact the Wyoming Department of Transportation licensing office at 307 864-9407.
What is the telephone number to get license plates for my car?
Hot Springs County Treasurer’s office at 307 864-3616.
Who do I contact to find out about a Municipal Court date or ask about a fine?
307 864-3838.
Who do I contact to report a street in need of repairs?
The Street Department at 307 864-3556.
Who do I contact to get a day-care permit, home occupation permit or business license?
The Town of Thermopolis does not require a business license if the business is located in a “Business” zoned area. For the other above-mentioned permits call 307 864-9285.
How do I contact the Mayor?
Call the Mayor’s Office at Town Hall, 307 864-9285
How do I contact the Police Department?
Call 307 864-3114, or if this is an emergency, call 911.
Who do I contact to reserve a meeting room at Town Hall?
Call 307 864-9285.
When are the Town Council meetings?
The Town Council meets twice a month the first and third Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at Town Hall.
How do I get on the Town Council agenda?
Contact Town Hall at 307 864-9285 or 307 864-3838. Agendas are also posted in our News section.
How do I get a Malt Beverage or Catering Permit?
Contact the Clerk-Treasurer’s office at 307 864-3838.
Does the Town keep vital records on individuals?
Burial information can be obtained from the Hot Springs County Cemetery District at 307 864-2463.
What is the phone number for the Hot Springs County Recreation District?
307 864-3767.